Yohannes, Ethiopian
Yohannes Cheru came to Canada from Ethiopia in 1998. He is a registered nurse living in Toronto, Ontario.
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Click Here- Palliative care relieves pain (1:54)
- Only girls cry (2:02)
- Talking about illness helps in planning (1:19)
- Hoping for a miracle (1:59)
- Let's talk (2:14)
- Is hospital care the best care? (2:11)
- A good death (2:00)
- The community will show up (1:18)
- A private culture (1:54)
- We don't talk about dying (1:07)
- Denial and belief (1:45)
- Look away (1:33)
- Bad news is kept secret (1:36)
- Asking for help isn't shameful (4:25)
- ሐኪሙ የሚነግረንን በደንብ መረዳታችንን ማረጋገጥ (1:05)
- ሞትን በተመለከተ ከቤተሰብ ጋር በግልጽ መነጋገር (1:22)
- የመጨረሻዋን ቀን የመጠባበቂያ ስፍራን ስለመምረጥ (0:56)
- ከሞት በፊት ኑዛዜን ማሳወቅ (1:05)
- የመሞቻን ጊዜ ስለማሳወቅ የሃኪሞች ድርሻ በኢትዮጵያና ካናዳ በንጽጽር ሲታይ (1:30)
- ህመምን በግልጽ መናገር ጭንቀትን ያቀላል (1:53)