Pastor Efrem, Ethiopian
Pastor Dr. Efrem Leakemariam is a pastor at the Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Toronto, Ontario. He came to Canada from Ethiopia in 1989.
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Click Here- Palliative care is important (1:11)
- Learning about palliative care (2:23)
- Palliative care is comforting (1:33)
- Palliative care for the living and the dying (0:44)
- The last word (1:10)
- Faith helps (2:07)
- Standing between the living and the dead (2:17)
- Expressing grief (1:12)
- Sharing news gently (2:57)
- Sharing bad news (4:50)
- Helping the grieving family (2:37)
- Arranging the funeral (0:59)
- Faith gives us hope (1:07)
- Expressing the pain of grief (0:51)
- እንደ እግዚኣብሔር ፍቃድ እድሜ ያጥራል ወይም ይረዝማል (1:55)
- ተስፋ (1:53)
- የቅድመ ሕልፈት ማቆያ ሥፍራ (0:49)
- መድሃኒት የኣካልን ህመም ይፈውስ ይሆናል ፡ ከጭንቀት የሚያድን ግን የእግዚኣብሔር እርዳታ ነው (1:45)
- ለበሽተኛው ኣክብሮትን መስጠት ኣስፈላጊ ነው (1:12)
- ለበሽተኛው ኣክብሮትን መስጠት ኣስፈላጊ ነው (1:30)
- እንደ ቤተክርስቲያን ኣገልጋይነቴ ህመምተኛውንና ቤተሰቦችን በማጽናናት ኣግዛለሁ (1:56)